Corsair Vengeance going to release a new gaming mouse for gamers in 2013

Corsair vengeance sobirayutsya vypustit novye igrovye myshki dlya geymerov v 2013 godu 870579
16 February 2013

In the line of mice from Corsair Vengeance is waiting for us a new addition to the models Vengeance M95 and Vengeance M65, which are made at the sensor from Avago Technologies ADNS-branded 9800 LaserStreamGamingSensor resolution 8200dpi. If you compare the old model, the resolution of the mouse increased as much as 30 percent, it is possible to make the mouse more accurate. Housing data pads made of aluminum material and is equipped with good switches in buttons.

The first model of Vengeance M95 gives the user the ability to use the 15 programmable buttons, and also has support for macro combinations, such a mouse is well suited for those who like MMO games.

The second model of Vengeance M65 give the user with additional buttons Sniper, so you can quickly switch to the shooting mode with the precise aiming, a mouse is well suited for fans of shooters.

Also for these mice firm Corsair Vengeance released a special mats MM600 3 mm thick. These mats are two-sided: one side is smooth, which provides rapid movement of mice, on the other rough, which provides high accuracy for mice.

Two data and mouse pad will go on sale in 2013. Vengeance M95 is the first model will cost $ 80, and the cost of the second model Vengeance M65 will be 70 $, and a rug will have to pay an additional $ 40.

Source: Hard


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Poster: Danjer, 17 February 2013 10:59:14

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Poster: Pisynchik, 17 February 2013 01:44:46


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