14-year-old Trevor fan of GTA 5 shot his father and brother

14 letniy poklonnik trevora iz gta 5 zastrelil ottsa i brata 604279
31 March 2014

In the U.S. state of Idaho police arrested 14 -year-old fan of GTA 5 Eldon Samuel - third who shot his father and younger brother. In 911 he called Eldon , even after committing a crime. He said that his father regularly beat him - including the day of the murder . In response, the young man took the .45 and shot twice in the head father . Then he went into the room where it was hiding 13 -year-old brother, and killed him with a few shots .

Police are considering several versions of what happened . According to one of them , push Eldon crime could that he was fond of GTA 5 . Teen favorite character in this game was Trevor , which is famous for its extreme brutality.

Source: Games Mail


For review form


Poster: 571764843, 7 April 2014 05:11:59

Почему оружие в свободном доступе было, а брата за компанию чтоль

Last edited 7 April 2014 05:16:40


Poster: Cnog, 1 April 2014 09:16:12

бл на ГТА есть ограничение какого ему дали в неё играть


Poster: Sundro, 31 March 2014 18:45:53

Ну а как же! Вот, после событий на Майдане более сотни убитых и тысячи пострадавших людей. Как думаете, что всему виной? GTA 5.


Poster: Creedy, 31 March 2014 11:13:40

Опять виновата ГТА и жестокие игры.


Poster: Interactivprimar, 31 March 2014 15:10:12

Угу, а отсутствие мозга и остальные факторы окружения не учитывают=\


Poster: Creedy, 1 April 2014 05:11:48


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